What Color Should I Dye My Hair?
Skin tone plays a bigger part in the color you should dye your hair than you might realize. Although you might want that cool, white platinum blonde hair you see on Instagram, it’s not always going to be the best look for your skin tone. Hair color is all about placement, saturation and the undertones in your skin, so whenever you’re looking for a change in your hair color, you should select a hair dye color that will complement your skin tone nicely.
Below we will dive into how to choose the best hair color for your skin tone.
Step 1: Determine Your Skin Tone
First things first, you’ll need to figure out your skin tone. The easiest way to do this is determine which colors are present in your skin tone, as opposed to trying to figure out if it’s warm or cool toned. Cool-toned skin will have pink and olive undertones, while warm-toned skin has yellow and gold undertones. If you have a combo of these colors, you have a neutral skin tone.
Step 2: Check Your Wrist
If you’re having a hard time determining your skin tone by looking at your face, take a look at your wrist. This is an easy place to find the cool or warm undertones. Additionally, your veins are a great indicator of skin tone. If your veins are blue, you’re cool-toned, and if your veins are green, your skin tone is warm.
Now that you understand how to check your skin tone, let’s take a look at popular hair colors and the skin tones they’re best for.
Cool Blondes
Cool blonde hair colors are perfect for those with porcelain-skin, or those with gray or blue eyes.
Warm Blondes
Those with fair skin and cool undertones look best with warm blonde tones like copper, honey and gold. Warm blonde is also great for those with olive skin tones, as ashy hair can wash those with olive skin out.
Red Hair
Those with red undertones look great with red hair, as the red hair color will give you a glow, as opposed to fighting the red undertones.
Cool Brown
Cool brown is almost a universal color. It will look great on a variety of skin tones, but it looks particularly good on those with warm skin tones as the cooler brown allows the skin tone to pop.
Warm Brown
Warm brown is best for those with warm complexions, as warm brown can make people with cool complexions look washed out.
Black Hair
Black hair color is another one of those colors that’s almost universally flattering. For those with fair, cool skin, black hair can look stark, whereas those with warmer, olive skin tones, black hair can give a dramatic effect.
Now that you understand which hair colors will look best with your skin tone, are you ready to make your appointment? If you’re in Bee Cave, Texas, give our hair color expert Brandy Marshall a call today for any of your hair care needs!